Running for Charity

I am running to raise money for the Ama Foundation (children home in Nepal). You can refer to my posts to know more or contact me directly via this blog to have more information or a description of the charity I organise.

Please refer to this post for more information.

To donate you can use paypal with the link on the right or contact me for other ways of donating!

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Dead computer...

Well well... I am not dead and my two projects: aletsch halbmarathon and Jungfrau marathon are alive and well.
But my home computer died last week, so I am waiting for a replacement. Until then no details on my training. Will post more next week hopefully!
Yesterday I reserved the hotel for the Aletsch half marathon! Really looking forward to it. Half marathon starting at 1950m on sea level and finishing at 2700m! It will be hard but _very_ cool!

As soon as my new home computer will be there I will also post more details on the last trainings.

Friday 4 April 2008

Start of the adventure...

Ok ok,
is 6:18 am and I don't know if I will survive such an early rise :) Today is the start of my official trianing! Heading for the gym in 10 minues... (need to agree on some strength training for the marathon with a trainer). Let you know later how the first training went!

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Last week training

sorry for the empty blog :) Was on holiday. Spent the week before the last sick :( and the last in Leukerbad skiing :) Going to start the "official" training tomorrow again!!! I'll post here each week (or more often if I can) training, feelings, etc.

First interesting thing is that on the 29th of June I will run the Aletsch Halfmarathon as a training run! I will add a link to the event this evening.