Running for Charity

I am running to raise money for the Ama Foundation (children home in Nepal). You can refer to my posts to know more or contact me directly via this blog to have more information or a description of the charity I organise.

Please refer to this post for more information.

To donate you can use paypal with the link on the right or contact me for other ways of donating!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Too long, too fast, too often...

I mention in a previous post that I like to run with the heart. Well that is true but I really need to stick to a training plan. My left quadriceps and knee are slightly hurting now :-( Nothing big but I will stop for 2 or 3 days to let the leg recover. I need to pay attention and do things correctly. I increased my mileage steadily and in the last weeks I was running a half-marathon each week almost, and that comes not for free... At least not for me :-)
I need to do shorter and more aimed runs and planned longer runs with lighter weeks otherwise I will hurt myself! Oh well the weather in the weekend is anyway crap around here ;-)
I will prepare a concrete training plan and will use it as much as my heart permits ;-)

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