Running for Charity

I am running to raise money for the Ama Foundation (children home in Nepal). You can refer to my posts to know more or contact me directly via this blog to have more information or a description of the charity I organise.

Please refer to this post for more information.

To donate you can use paypal with the link on the right or contact me for other ways of donating!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Long run again

after a bit of recovery time I did some cross-training and had my first long run again this weekend. I felt the left knee after 8Km but I had an elastic band that has brought me to the end. No big problems today. I am happy, altough I would prefer a stronger knee, but I will do a lot more of cross training and will take care of my shoes from now on. This is the map of my long run

18.2 Km around a beatiful lake with a friend. Wonderful time, and after that: pizza! Yummy...

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