Running for Charity

I am running to raise money for the Ama Foundation (children home in Nepal). You can refer to my posts to know more or contact me directly via this blog to have more information or a description of the charity I organise.

Please refer to this post for more information.

To donate you can use paypal with the link on the right or contact me for other ways of donating!

Monday, 1 June 2009

Run with the heart?

How do you run? With the heart or you adhere strictly to a training program? I mean the other day I was running my planned 10 Km flat, slow. Then I saw a trail going uphill and there it goes my plan. I did 11 Km with ca. 200 m of height gain. I always run like this. I always end up going to trail I don't know anything about (and very often I get lost). But I cannot resiste really...

I started running from home to work and from work to home. I end up always lost in the woods ;-) And I need to ask for directions. Because if I see a beautiful trail I cannot resist...

How do _you_ run? Let me know. I am very interested in knowing!!

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