Running for Charity

I am running to raise money for the Ama Foundation (children home in Nepal). You can refer to my posts to know more or contact me directly via this blog to have more information or a description of the charity I organise.

Please refer to this post for more information.

To donate you can use paypal with the link on the right or contact me for other ways of donating!

Friday, 27 November 2009

Ultra Trail Mont Blanc 2009 DVD

Almost forgot to mention it here. I got the DVD from the UTMB 2009 (get it here) and I almost finished it. It is great! Very nice, motivational, a very very nice watch. So if you are in trail running than go ahead and buy this DVD of the mother of all trails! After seeing it you will get up and will want to go out running!!

Florence Marathon Expo

So today I spend a couple of hours at the expo of the Florence Marathon. Nice and big. A lot of stands with a lot of discount (up to 50% on some items and shoes). All in all not bad. I got our numbers and the long-arm t-shirts (from Asics) with Florence Marathon written on it. I also got a nice pair of sunglasses with 3 different lenses for 25 EUR! Not a bad deal after all.

I must say is the biggest expo I have ever seen in a race by far. The one in Lucerne was probably 1/5 of this one. I may go back tomorrow to meet a couple of friends (but I have to see with family and all). On a negative side I also god a mild case of food poisoning that has kept me in bed the greatest part of the afternoon, but I seems to fare better now, so I keep my hopes up :-O

I was trying to find the backpack Olmo 5 from Raidlight at the expo but they didn't have it... Damn it. I know it costs 20 EUR of postal charges to get it directly from France from Raidlight! Bad luck :-)

Thursday, 26 November 2009

-3 days to the Florence marathon

Already in Florence. Tomorrow marathon expo and Sunday the marathon. My wife has a cold but we hope she will recover for Sunday... Weather is nice (at least not cold) as usual in Florence. Looking forward to Sunday!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Ultra training plan

I have found a very nice training plan for an ultra here

Chec this link

Is in italian so you are all warned ;-)

Friday, 13 November 2009

Links on Training for an Ultra

I found this very nice collection of links on training for an Ultra

Check this out!

Is really worth it. You will find everything from reports, to suggestions, to training plans, etc. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Race calendar 2010

Ok ok I know... I have still to run the Florence marathon this year (in less than 20 days) but what the heck! I am already planning a very aggressive race calendar for 2010.
As every year I need a main objective. I was thinking about the Lavaredo Ultra Trail ( but I must admin that 90 Km are maybe too long for a first ultra. So I am setting my eyes on the Verbier trail (61 Km) for beginnig of July. This will (99%) be my main goal. So I need some training marathons on trails to prepare. I cannot race every weekend so I need to choose carefully. One will be for sure the LGT (42.2 Km with 2000 D+) beginning of June, this will be my main long run. Then I am thinking beginning of April about the Zürich marathon The only problem I have with this is that is on road and not on trails. If I manage to find something long enough on trail I will change, but for the moment is the only marathon I have found close to home in April. In May there is the Wintherthur marathon but that too is on roads so I think I will skip this. I want to train as much as I can on trail starting december.
I will post soon about the training plan for my first ultra. I am collecting links and information that I hope could be useful to others.
Until then
Happy runs!